Allen Sakar is located at Rajeev Gandhi Nagar in Kota, Rajasthan. The nearest hostel location for the students studying or going to study in Allen Sakar will be Rajeev Gandhi Nagar. Le Stays comes with Best Boys and Girls hostels near Allen Sakar. With Le Stays you will find premium hostels at a very affordable price.
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Le Stays
Nearest to Allen Safalya, Sakar and Allen Sankalp
Rent Includes
Rent starts from: ₹11,000
Wifi, Laundry, Nutritious Meals, Housekeeping -
Le Stays – GS
Nearest to Allen Safalya, Sakar, Sabal and Allen Sankalp
Rent Includes
Rent starts from: ₹11,000
Wifi, Laundry, Nutritious Meals, Housekeeping